Saturday, November 10, 2012

Bought a New book - Who Says Elephants Can't Dance..

Got to know about a guy Louis V. Gerstner in my IIM satellite class. The guy who turned the company IBM one of the software giant.

In my early carrier I  used to admire about IBM, the reason is its presence in different verticals, successfully holding the core component MAINFRAMES without leaving it's grip in the market.

I still remember the days i:e I think 2002 to 2004 in chennai all most every where in  Nelson Manickam Road so called hub for trainings floaded with Mainframe training courses.  Each course were charged around 17 - 20 K. (COBOL,DB2, CICS )these things gave breakthrough to so many freshers and also who is looking for the carrier shift.

Alright , lets come back to the point, Decided to study the case study of  MR. Louis V. Gerstner,as a proper Indian,  decided to search for the free PDF's available in the web cloud. Not even a single proper PDF I have got, I can't blame my search strings as well, cause I trust google search strings only.

So decided to go and search in AMAZON is any books available about this guy. OOOHHH a book called Who Says Elephant can't Dance. I went through the preview, I started liking the way it took me inside the book.

So decided to buy the book.

Book Description:

Who Says Elephants Can't Dance? sums up Lou Gerstner's historic business achievement, bringing IBM back from the brink of insolvency to lead the computer business once again.Offering a unique case study drawn from decades of experience at some of America's top companies -- McKinsey, American Express, RJR Nabisco -- Gerstner's insights into management and leadership are applicable to any business, at any level. Ranging from strategy to public relations, from finance to organization, Gerstner reveals the lessons of a lifetime running highly successful companies.

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